Mixed Bouquet with Peony Roses

Mixed Bouquet with Peony Roses – a late Spring to early Summer flower bouquet featuring beautiful seasonal peony roses which are carefully handtied with other seasonal flowers and foliage.

Please note the exact colour of the peonies will vary with each bouquet from whites to pinks and through to wine coloured tones.

This beautiful peony rose bouquet is then specially gift wrapped in biodegradable cellophane. It is presented in water for extra freshness and is delivered with a hand-written gift message. Full care instructions and flower food are also included. This bouquet is available to order “click and collect” or with same day flower delivery in Dublin city and county.

Also available arranged in a clear glass vase.


Sometimes called Peonie Peone Peonys Poenie Poeny Poenies Pionies Pionys Pioneys Poenys Pions, Paeony Paeonies, Paeonie, Paeonys

Prices include all taxes/VAT

Delivery Options

  • Click & Collect: Available
  • Dublin: Available