DIY Build a Bouquet

DIY Build-a-Bouquet – Release Their Inner Florist


A perfect gift for the flower lover - build your own bouquer

The perfect gift for lovers of flowers – we will deliver all the ingredients so that your gift recipient can make their very own hand-tied flower bouquet

Your Build a Bouquet kit will be delivered to your chosen recipient, boxed and with your personalised gift message attached.

Included with your order will be fresh seasonal flowers and foliage typically including a selection from the following – roses, lisianthus, clematis, carnations, hydrangea, eucalyptus, pittosporum, tree ivy and hebe. These will be accompanied by our cut flower care guide, flower food and a length of tying string.  The only equipment required by the recipient is a sharp knife, secateurs or scissors, fresh water and of course a vase (an optional vase can be also be included if required).

A link to our DIY Build-a-Bouquet instructional video is also included with each order which shows how to assembly a hand-tied flower bouquet from scratch.

You can find out more details and order DIY Build-a-Bouquet here.


Gifts for delivery in Dublin - Build Your Own Bouquet